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  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago

​What’s something you have been wanting to do for ages but keep putting off? Maybe starting a new hobby? Revamping your CV? Updating your LinkedIn profile? Calling someone you haven’t spoken to in ages? Looking to see if there are courses you could study in your own time?


January 24th has been recognised in the US as “National Just Do It” day since 2015. What better day than to remind yourself of the resolutions you made at New Year, or the list of tasks which never gets cleared.


At Next Phase we encourage everyone in the business to take a paid half day off per quarter to do something that they have never done before. Whether it’s a cookery course, a new physical activity or learning a new skill, we want to give people the opportunity to give something a try – our own version of “Just do it”! We have found that a little push and encouragement here and there can make a big difference to whether we follow through on the promises we make to ourselves.


What is it that you would like to do but never seem to find the time for? Is it time for some kind of change?