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  • Publish Date: Posted 3 months ago
  • Author: Sarah Seaford

Are you losing too many candidates in the interview process? Did you know our research shows you will lose nearly half of all candidates if you don’t close out the full interview & offer process within 2 months.

At Next Phase Recruitmentwe truly believe in being your partner, helping you achieve success by supporting the whole recruitment process.

Working with Next Phase Recruitment provides you with the expertise and resources to manage this process effectively. We work with you to ensure the following are considered through the process:
•       Develop a set of standardised interview questions that assess the candidate's skills, experience, and cultural fit
•       Incorporate multiple stakeholders in the selection process, such as department heads, team members, and HR representatives, to offer different perspectives on candidates.
•       Beyond skills and qualifications, evaluating the cultural fit of candidates is crucial. Engage candidates in discussions about the company's culture and core values to gauge their compatibility
•       Setting internal timeframes and deadlines for each interview, feedback and offers is vital to ensure candidates remain engaged and recognise they are important to you
•       Qualifying candidates from the outset on their availability to interview, any times they are not free and setting clear expectations.

Please book some time with one of our consultants to learn more about our dedicated support, where you can access job description templates & guides, along with our full range of additional services and how we can support your company growth 👇